Home Projects All in one solar street lights 80w installed in Solomon island

Highlights: Polybrite solar street lights are cost effective, embracing eo-friendly and energy efficient.

Product:SSL-A1-80W 30SETS

Project Location:Solomon Island

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Project Overview:

30sets 80w solar street lights supplied by SBM NEWTECH were installed at the Carpark and village road of Solomon island . Bring brightness and safety to local Solomon people.

Online inquiry

30sets 80w solar street lights supplied by SBM NEWTECH were installed at the Carpark and village road of Solomon island . Bring brightness and safety to local Solomon people. The client very happy with the brightness and quality.

Before install the solar lights, the whole area is covered under darkness after sunset, and always have theft come. So the client need an illumination solution to solve this problem. After compare and sample testing, the client finally choose to work with Polybrite.

After install the lights, the carpark always looks as bright as the day, whole performance are amazing and over client expectation.

Polybrite brand solar street lights are cost effective, embracing eo-friendly and energy efficient.

30sets 80w solar street lights

customer evaluation

Solomon Engineer Solomon island

Carpark and front gate as bright as day. Solar street lights enhancing the safety of our evening classes.

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