Home Technical Resources How Does Solar Lighting Offer More Long-Term Gains Compared to Traditional Lighting?

How Does Solar Lighting Offer More Long-Term Gains Compared to Traditional Lighting?

Post time: 2022-09-20 15:56:46

How Does Solar Lighting Offer More Long-Term Gains Compared to Traditional Lighting?

  1. Comparison - Solar versus Traditional Lights
  2. Financial Benefits
  3. Environmental
  4. Safety

There has been a lot of discussion and action about renewable energy in the last few years. In the last decade alone, solar has experienced an average annual growth rate of 42%. Solar is an endless and abundant source of energy. We can and should use it for outdoor lighting today. And, as utilities install solar, we should use it to power our needs for homes and cars too.

Of course, it does cost more to buy a lighting system with solar components than a streetlight with no solar. But savings on installation plus its benefits to the community make it the best choice in the long run. Solar LED street light manufacturers and suppliers are working to create awareness. They are partnering with municipalities across the country to change the way we approach public lighting. This post compares the costs and benefits of solar lighting versus traditional lighting.

Comparison - Solar versus Traditional Lights

Installing solar LED streetlights delivers financial, environmental and safety benefits. Here are some of the benefits solar lights offer vis-à-vis traditional lights.

Financial Benefits

Solar lighting installation is fast and easy. Depending on the system, lights can be functional within a few hours. For traditional lights, trenching and wiring is usually required. This takes time and can range from expensive to cost prohibitive. Working in protected areas, urban areas or areas with soil contamination is challenging.

If commercial solar lights use the latest battery technology, they won't need maintenance for 10 or more years. Systems with the best technology withstand extreme heat and cold.

Grid-tied LED lighting fixtures are robust too. But there are other maintenance costs associated with grid-tied lighting. Transmission issues, aging infrastructure, and wire theft are a few.


Using solar lighting versus traditional lighting reduces carbon dioxide emissions. That takes us a step closer to slowing climate change.

LEDs make solar lighting efficient, even before considering solar power. Compared to Metal Halide or High-Pressure Sodium lights, they use about half the power. LEDs have a high efficacy (Efficacy refers to the amount of light generated per watt of electricity). With advanced optics, like those used in our luminaires, you can get great spacing and cut pole counts too.

Grid-tied lighting adds load on power plants and generates emissions. Solar street lighting can lighten that load.


Emission-free lighting doesn't have to be a safety compromise. You can meet public lighting guidelines with commercial grade solar streetlights. Of course, you need an energy analysis of the project site to ensure appropriate light levels. Reputable solar street light manufacturers provide this service.

Safety doesn't stop with light levels. Black-outs and brown-outs are becoming common place. Reasons range from extreme temperatures to hurricanes. Solar lighting continues to provide lighting during these events. Solar lighting designed with components at the top of the pole have an extra layer of safety. They don't pose an electrocution hazard and are flood tolerant.

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