Home Projects All in one solar street lights SSL-A3-100w installed in Beirut, Lebanon

Highlights: Quality Stand for All Time, Used in Lebanon

Product:Solar Street Light SSL-A3-100W Qty: 48 sets

Project Location:Beirut, Lebanon

Project Date:

Project Overview:

48sets SSL-A3-100w solar street lights were installed in Beirut, Lebanon. Mr Zo has become my VIP client. This was the first time that Mr Zo bought solar street lights from SBM NewTech. But this was not the first time that he bought from China.

Online inquiry

This was the first time that Mr Zo bought solar street lights from SBM NewTech. But this was not the first time that he bought from China.

He is a very strict engineer. Checked every details of the solar light specification one by one; asked about the quality control system in my company; discussed the specification and the lighting mode; compared my products with other manufacturers'; let me take a lot of pictures and videos to prove that we are qualified. Then he placed the order.

After he placed the order, he worried about the quality of raw materials, production technology, quality control, and transportation safety and etc. However, when he saw our products and touched our products, he totally agreed that our products were of high quality.

48sets SSL-A3-100w solar street lights were installed in Beirut, Lebanon. Mr Zo has become my VIP client. Now he always says “Same quality As my lights I bought” “I went around the world and come back to you. Your products are of great quality and you’re my best Chinese friend” but “my best Chinese friend why you kill my opportunity to make large money”…… Actually the price of our products is acceptable but the quality is very good.

During the years, SBM NewTech wins the respect of customers by its excellent product quality and most competitive price. Customer satisfaction is our unremitting pursuit.

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